is the reason that Noah would not take one. more. step. on our 1st outing to our neighborhood grocery store. We arrived at the apt. in the Ramat Chen neighborhood of Haifa on Tues. afternoon and decided to cope with our jet lag by taking a walk and seeing what our new neighborhood was like. We found a cute little organic grocery that is just a 10 min. walk away, unless you are with an exhausted and confused 5-yr-old. Then time stands still as he complains about wanting to go home the entire way. I was awake with him Tues. night (Wed. morning) from 1-3am and then we slept until 11:30. Apparently we slept through the national siren drill at 11:00am, but did hear the phone ring when Deborah called at 11:30. Progress by Wed. night when Noah only called me twice and went back to bed soon after I went in each time. Maybe that means he’ll sleep through the night tonight?